
Shalimar ITC Director Mr. Prem Kumar
In accordance with the fastest world–wide globalization, liberalization and privatization among to train the requisite skilled manpower needed by the industries. It is humble effort of the institute to provide most sophisticated and fully acquainted technicians to the industries so that the government can fulfill the commitment and promises to create larger opportunities for young generation of the state in the coming years with the utilization of available infrastructural facilities, ultra modem machinery and highly developed tools and equipments.
Adoption of modern technology to meet the qualitative requirement is the prime necessary and these in turn depend, on the availability of trained labor force. Institute shall works with the larger objective of the organization.
1. Develop a talent pool with the competence to take on the challenges of the present & future.
2. Facilitates improvement in quality & quantity of individual contribution & provide a congenial work environment.
3. Provide 100 % job placement to our trainee.
Institute followed three pronged approach of manpower development:
1. To train & retrain existing faculties to take up challenges due to the development & up gradation of technology.
2. To train & develop the skill of younger generation who are the driving force of an industrial revolution.
3. To involve the entire stake holder in planning & implementation of training & development programs
Director Prem Kumar
Director Interview as Published in New Nirman Today Magazine